Marine One

Marine One lifting off from the White House South Lawn Hello there! Now that the weather in getting colder I tend to stay in more a kind of hibernation… Recently I watched a special on Sunday about th … “Marine One” の続きを読む
Yellow curry

Chillin out at home on a Sunday… 寒かった日曜に家で... I made yellow curry for the first time. Soo delicious… The curry spices stimulates the brain to work. 初めてイエローカレーを作りました。すごくおいしい~! カレーのスパイスは脳の働き … “Yellow curry” の続きを読む
New York woman eco-umbrellas

Hi there. As people try to recycle and do their part to save our earth. Some people think about creative ways to use old products. Catherine Charlot is a Haitian woman living in New York. She collects … “New York woman eco-umbrellas” の続きを読む
This is what they said

“Chi-Chi-Chi Li-Li-Li Viva los mineros De Chili!!” Let it be an inspiration for people around the world. It’s funny how a few good people from Chili could have a world impact to prom … “This is what they said” の続きを読む
Ice wine

Thank you Satoshi for sharing with us your German ice wine and pictures! What is Ice wine? Ice wine (or icewine; German Eiswein) is a type of dessert wine produced from grapes that have been frozen wh … “Ice wine” の続きを読む
Ever wonder why zippers have YKK on them?

This is why. The YKK stands for Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikikaisha (say that five times fast,ha-ha). In 1934 Tadao Yoshida founded Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikikaisha (translated Yoshida Industries Limited). Thi … “Ever wonder why zippers have YKK on them?” の続きを読む
Ever wonder who she is?

Ever wonder who she is? The “Columbia Lady” who has worn her toga and held her torch high for most of Columbia Pictures’ seventy-five year history, has a history of her own, although … “Ever wonder who she is?” の続きを読む

Hello there,time for an Empanada!! The other day I was watching CNN and they were reporting about the trapped miners in Chili. That’s when I thought of making a soul food of South America. The E … “Empanada” の続きを読む

Some people fret about the hot weather we’re having. As for me I love it ! Hi there today I’d like to introduce you to a drink that keeps me cool and refreshed in Summer. It’s called … “Michelada” の続きを読む
salt — recommendation

この夏話題の映画、アンジェリーナ・ジョリーの「ソルト」を見てきました。 二重スパイの容疑をかけられたCIAエージェントをアンジェリーナ・ジョリーが熱演する アクション・サスペンス。 とにかくアンジーがかっこいい!Cool! この映画はもともと、『エドウィン・A・ソルト』(Edwin A. Salt)というタイトルで、 トム・クルーズ主演で映画化される予定でしたが トムが突然、降板^^;(ハリウッド … “salt — recommendation” の続きを読む