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Harvest moon

Harvest moon

All full moons rise around the time of sunset. In times past this feature of these autumn moons was said to help farmers working to bring in their crops (or, in the case of the Hunter’s Moon, hu … “Harvest moon” の続きを読む

At Tenshinsei

At Tenshinsei

Hi , the other day on Friday 8/19th I was craving for Chinese dumplings so I visited my favorite place for that “Tenshin-sei” two blocks south from Washington Hotel . It was purely a delig … “At Tenshinsei” の続きを読む

ONMAKU Fireworks Festival in Imabari

ONMAKU Fireworks Festival in Imabari

この前の日曜日は家族と今治市のまつり「おんまく」の花火大会を見に出かけました。 約9000発の花火が次々と打ち上げられ、美しさと迫力に日頃の疲れも吹き飛びました。 「おんまく」というのは、今治の言葉でめちゃくちゃ、いっぱい、おもいっきり、という意味だそうです。 今年は東日本大震災の後でもあり、イベント等の自粛ムードが広がりましたが、ここで元気を出し、頑張って開催しようと言う結論を出したのだそうです … “ONMAKU Fireworks Festival in Imabari” の続きを読む

Cherry Blossoms Party!

Cherry Blossoms Party!

↑クリックするとさらに大きく見られます。 We had a Cherry Blossoms Party on April 10th at Ishite-Gawa. 桜も満開、お天気もGood!絶好のお花見びよりでした。 みなさん、いろいろおいしいものを持ち寄って桜吹雪が舞い散る中、 桜とトークを楽しみましたよ♪ みなさん、ありがとうございました。また来年もお楽しみに!

Nikitatsu-An of Dogo

Nikitatsu-An of Dogo

The other day, I went on a walking tour to the Dogo area. I and some students took a leisurely stroll through area of Dogo and came upon a tranquil place. Being a history buff I quizzed the kind staff … “Nikitatsu-An of Dogo” の続きを読む



Howdy!! Last night I tried the Texas 2 in the silver box!! It had a wild tasting curry flavor to it. While eating it, I put on my Texas gran sombrero!! He-He see you!! こんにちは!ゆうべ私は銀色の箱に入った「テキサス2バーガー」を食 … “TEXAS 2 BURGER !” の続きを読む

Rob’s SUSHI Bar

Rob’s SUSHI Bar

Happy New Year !! During the holidays I spent some time making some delicious sushi. Making it requires a certain rhythm but just like learning English the more you practise the better you get !! See … “Rob’s SUSHI Bar” の続きを読む

Yellow curry

Yellow curry

Chillin out at home on a Sunday… 寒かった日曜に家で... I made yellow curry for the first time. Soo delicious… The curry spices stimulates the brain to work. 初めてイエローカレーを作りました。すごくおいしい~! カレーのスパイスは脳の働き … “Yellow curry” の続きを読む

Ice wine

Ice wine

Thank you Satoshi for sharing with us your German ice wine and pictures! What is Ice wine? Ice wine (or icewine; German Eiswein) is a type of dessert wine produced from grapes that have been frozen wh … “Ice wine” の続きを読む



Hello there,time for an Empanada!! The other day I was watching CNN and they were reporting about the trapped miners in Chili. That’s when I thought of making a soul food of South America. The E … “Empanada” の続きを読む